The Kolostomy map page
to use these maps, put them in to the mplay maps folder in the sudden strike directory.

Noxxis Ardennes
this is a clan favorite, a large battle map with an element of strategy needed ,this map has it all . 5 bombers are available with capture of the three green flags enabling total destruction of the enemy . always fun to play this map.

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stalingrado kazador
this map is a very large battle map with lots and lots of units . the middle and left flank area are town based capture areas and the right flank is a bridge based battle . due to the large amount of units this map is prone to dropping players regularly which is its only down side. again a fun battle but frustrating when players drop.

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a very under rated map from the same creator as ardenne . the right flank is especially fun to play as it allows out flanking movements but players can get bogged down in the middle areas of the map . team co-operation is the key to win this map and a quick sneak behind enemy lines at the start is possible .

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Granat splitter v. B
another good attempt at a tried and tested design of the map split into two halves and seperated by a river .
three bridges at the top, middle and bottom are crossable after repair with the middle crossable immediatly but only by infantry. the start is a little frustrating at first with units following a twisting and turning route to the front. where this map really comes into its own is pontoon crossing points with both sides needing to be alert to bridge repair and pontoon building . a real strategists map and due to the high level of attrition players need to think to capture a flag with the empty truck they have left. cool.

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Lead a horse to water
oh my god ! fortunately maps as bad as this are rare , bad starting points , bad flag positioning ........bad everything . the top has so much advantage that your troops may as well surrender immediatly if they start at the bottom .the centre area is raised so if the enemy capture it they can camp there and pick you off via their general . i would rather spend a night with the hilarious william hague (kick a man when he's down thats what i say ) than play this map again. a score of half a mark ......and thats only for the cheek of the map author to put this map onto the internet .

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this map is a 4v4 with the starting positions left to right. when starting the player is in a wooded and grassed area but between the two warring armies is a line of bunkers and a no-mans land of sand. the three red flags positioned in a central line provide bombers and once deployed these can surely win you the game.

there is so much to do in the first 20 mins on this map that an oversight or mistake can lose your team the game, then its off to the gulag with your general, win and its a firing squad for being so cocky.

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more maps from Kolostomy to follow.