SuddenStrike -- some tips

Well, we have yet to put some sudden strike strategy tips in here, and our appalling record of lethargy is only set to continue. We've got a couple of game and computer tips so far though that will help your life in sudden strike be as rewarding and fulfilling as possible.

I told you stashing the weapons there would create a huge faecal backupFast launching of suddenstrike
get rid of the opening, very irritating credits! simply delete the files:

and hey presto the game will always start at the menu. make sure you keep a back up of these files so you can restore them if it breaks anything.

annoying background music

there is a way to delete the background sound when you are setting up a multiplay game: just delete the file backwav from the sudden strike folder. make sure you keep a back up of these files so you can restore them if it breaks anything.

Delete annoying spyware
go to and download a nifty utility that will delete all the spyware programs that gamespy and others install on your machine without consent. these programs watch everything you do on line, and gets sent to some strange fascist database in some nameless corporation.

while it does slow your net traffic down slightly, a firewall is useful for stopping software 'writing home' and to stop hackers getting control of your system. go to to down load a free, and very effective firewall.